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Attendance Requirements

Arrival to School

  • The student school day is from 8:00 am to 2:50 pm.  Extra assistance is available from 3:02 pm to 4:00 pm.

If a student must miss part of the school day, for any reason, the subsequent steps need to be followed:

  • A dated reason, signed by a parent or guardian, must be given to the receptionist at the front desk (if the student arrives without justification, it will be recorded as unexcused)
  • The student signs in on the required sheet, noting the date and time
  • The student will receive a pass from the receptionist for admittance into class
  • The student is responsible for any missed work

Students who were NOT in attendance will NOT be eligible to participate in ANY extra-curricular activities that day.
In order to be eligible to participate in ANY extra curricular activities for the day, a student MUST be in school by 10:00 am. 

If a student arrives after 10:00 am, only a valid, legal reason for missing school will be accepted in order to be able to participate in ANY extra curricular activities for the day.

If a student has prior knowledge of his/her absence, they are encouraged to:

  • Obtain any work that will be missed
  • Notify the school
  • Inform your advisor(s) and/or coach(es)