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Board Agenda

    1.      Call to Order and Roll Call


    1.      Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


    1.      Public Comment


    1.      Spotlights


    1. Capital Project Update Presentation – Campus Construction


    1.      Approve Minutes for November 12, 2024


    1.      Finance


    1. Review Lists of Regular Bills
    2. Review Appropriation and Revenue Status Reports
    3. Accept Treasurer’s Reports


    1.      Communications


    1.     Superintendent’s Reports


    1.      Unfinished Business


    1. Accept Tax Collector’s Reports


    1.     New Business


    1. Approve Middle High School Designation Resolution
    2. Approve The Summit Center Updated Agreement


    1.      New Items by Board Members


    1.     Approve Special Education Recommendations


    1. Personnel


    1. Approve Starting Pay Rates for Support Staff Positions & Substitutes
    2. Approve Memorandum of Agreement (Adjusted Workday Hours)
    3. Approve Personnel Schedule 586
    4. Approve Adjusted Terms and Conditions for Director of Instructional Services


    1. Adjournment
  • The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at        

           p.m. in the Elementary School Building by _______________, Board President.


    Members Present:  _______________           


    Members Absent:  _______________


    Others Present:  _______________

    _______________ led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.






    Capital Project Update Presentation by Allison Thompson and Morgan Roberts, Campus Construction:


    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________  that the Board approve the minutes for the meeting of November 12, 2024, as written.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.

    The Board reviewed the lists of bills dated November 8, 2024 and November 22, 2024.

    The Board reviewed the Appropriation Status Report and Revenue Status Reports for October 2024.

    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________  that the Board accept the Treasurer’s Reports as of October 2024.   Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.






    Mr. Wilkins reported on:






    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that, whereas the Education Law provides that the Tax Collector shall be relieved of responsibility for the uncollected portion of the tax list when a complete list of the delinquent tax items has been certified to the Board of Education, and since the Collector has affixed her affidavit to such statement and has filed a statement accounting for the handling of the tax warrant and list; and whereas the Business Administrator has examined and verified the accuracy of the signed report of the Collector; therefore be it resolved, that the Board accept the report of the Tax Collector and having determined that the Collector has accounted for the full amount of the tax warrant direct that the lists of the delinquent tax items, with the addition of the three percent penalty, be certified to the office of the County Treasurer and/or other tax enforcement officer; and it is further directed that the tax warrant, tax roll and the Tax Collector’s copies of the tax receipts be placed on file.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________  that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the following resolution:   


                 WHEREAS, the Warsaw Central School District (“District”) has continued to consider and evaluate the District’s needs in relation to the District’s educational program; and


                WHEREAS, the District has determined to reorganize the District’s Middle/Senior High School to further the interests of the District’s educational program; 


                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Warsaw Central School District hereby:


    (a)        Determines that it is in the best interests of the District to reorganize the District’s current Middle School (Grades 6 through 8) at 81 West Court Street, and the District’s current  High School (Grades 9 through 12) at 81 West Court Street, by combining such respective grade levels into a single school; 


    (b)        Directs that the District shall create and operate a  Middle/Senior High School at 81 West Court Street, which shall house Grades 6 through 12, in order to realize benefits which shall serve the interests of the District’s educational program;  


    (c)        Directs that this resolution shall be effective July 1, 2025; and


    (d)        Directs and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to undertake all actions necessary to effectuate the intent and operation of this resolution.


    Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________  that the Board approve the proposed updated agreement with The Summit Center for the 2024-25 school year, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.




    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________  that the Board appoint _______________ as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    The District Clerk was dismissed at       p.m. and the following took place as recorded by _______________, Clerk Pro Tem.



    Tawnnee Conley

    District Clerk


    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board enter Executive Session at       p.m. for the purpose of discussing Choose an item.Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board resume regular session at _______________ p.m.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board approve the special education placement recommendations, as follows:


    Committee on Special Education (CSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)








    900-37-7583; 900-37-7563


    900-37-6755; 900-37-6812

    Sub-Committee on Special Education (SCSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)


    900-37-6252; 900-37-5849; 900-37-7099




    900-37-7379 (A)


    900-37-7595 (A);  900-37-7345 (A)





    Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)





    Sub-Committee on Pre-School Special Education (SCPSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)


    900-37-7393 (A)


    900-37-7547 (A)

    (A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting


    Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Starting Pay Rates of the Support Staff Positions & Substitutes, as follows, effective January 1, 2025.





    2024/25 Adjusted


     Starting Pay Rate


     Starting Pay Rate





    Food Service Helper


    Food Service Helper


    School Monitor


    School Monitor






    Keyboard Specialist I


    Keyboard Specialist I






    Teaching Assistant


    Teaching Assistant


    Computer Aide


    Computer Aide


    Computer Technical



    Computer Technical











    Keyboard Specialist II


    Keyboard Specialist II


    Maintenance Worker


    Maintenance Worker


    School Secretary


    School Secretary


    Senior Custodial



    Senior Custodial







    2024/25 Adjusted


     Starting Pay Rate


     Starting Pay Rate





    Food Service Helper


    Food Service Helper


    School Monitor


    School Monitor


    Part-time Cleaner


    Part-time Cleaner


    Part-time Clerk


    Part-time Clerk






    Teaching Assistant


    Teaching Assistant






    Maintenance Worker


    Maintenance Worker


    Senior Custodial



    Senior Custodial



    Seasonal Laborer


    Seasonal Laborer*




    *summer only



    Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Memorandum of Agreement for adjusted workday hours (M. Bates) be approved, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said MOA.   Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 586, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board approve the adjusted Conditions of Employment for the 2024-25 School Year for the Director of Instructional Services, as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.


    Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at _______________ p.m.; subject to the call of the President.  Motion Carried:  Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.





    Clerk Pro Tem


    The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at        

    6:30 p.m. in the Elementary School Building by Mr. Robb, Board President.


    Members Present:  Mr. Dean Robb, Mrs. Gail Royce, Mr. Stephen Tarbell, II, Mr. Michael Youngers, Mr. Joshua Harvey, Mrs. Kristina Baker, Mr. John Grover.                        


    Members Absent:  None


    Others Present:  :  Mr. Wilkins, Ms. Grisewood, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Burnham, Mr. Webb, Mrs. D’Amico, Mr. Winchip, Ms. Conable, Mrs. Conley.


    Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


    In celebration of Board of Education Appreciation week, Mr. Wilkins presented the Board members with Certificates of Recognition and cake and punch were served as part of the celebration. 


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board approve the minutes for the meeting of October 22, 2024, as written.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.

    The Board reviewed the list of bills dated October 11, 2024, October 15, 2024, October 25, 2024 and October 28, 2024.

    The Board reviewed the Appropriation and Revenue Status Reports as of September 30, 2024.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board accept the Treasurer’s Reports as of September 2024.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board accept the Extra-Curricular Treasurer’s Reports for 7/1/24 - 9/30/24.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board accept the Internal Claims Auditor’s Quarterly report (7/1-9/30/24).   Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Mr. Wilkins reported that the date for the Al Hawk Award presentation dinner has been changed to December 19, 2024.  He stated he plans to attend and invited anyone to join him.

    Mr. Wilkins stated the Technical Review for the Capital Project is done and NYSED has to sign off on it.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board approve the 2025-26 Budget Calendar, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the following Reserve Resolution:


    RESOLVED that the Board of Education adopt the Warsaw Central School District Year ending June 30, 2024 Funding and Use Plan for Fund Balance and Reserves, as proposed.


    Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board authorize the President of the Board to execute the Tax Collection Statements once they have been prepared by the Tax Collector and reviewed by the Business Administrator for accuracy.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Youngers, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board accept the $1,300 Cornell University Agricultural Grant Agreement and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board approve the Genesee Area Healthcare Plan (GAHP) Participation Agreement as proposed, and authorize the Business Administrator (GAHP Board Member) to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board approve the following Resolution:


    RESOLVED, that, this Board of Education appoints Dr. R.P. Singh, M.D., as a school medical inspector of this District for the purpose of conducting medical examinations for teachers and/or staff members, on an as needed basis, pursuant to Section 913 of the New York State Education Law. 


    Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Mr. Grover stated he’s heard positive things regarding Raking for a Reason.  Mrs. D’Amico shared that several of her Middle School Students participated in the community service project and raked 23 yards this year.  The weather was perfect and the students enjoyed doing it. 


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    The District Clerk was dismissed at 6:50 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.



    Tawnnee Conley

    District Clerk


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board enter Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the employment history of a particular person.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board resume regular session at 7:48 p.m.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board approve the special education placements recommendations, as follows:


    Committee on Special Education (CSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)




    900-37-6246; 900-37-6969




    900-37-6646; 900-37-6766







    Sub-Committee on Special Education (SCSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)


    900-37-7584 (A)


    900-37-6432 (A)




    900-37-6219 (A); 900-37-7584 (A)


    900-37-6085 (A) , 900-37-7563 (A)


    900-37-7584 (A)

    Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)





    (A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting


    Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the following resolution:


    WHEREAS, pursuant to New York State Education Law §3012-c and Subpart 30-2 of the Rules of the Board of Regents, The District is required to adopt an Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Plan; and

    WHEREAS, §30-2.9 of the Commissioner’s Regulations require that any individual serving as lead evaluator of Principals in this District be certified by the Board of Education as a qualified lead evaluator of Principals; and

    WHEREAS, to qualify for certification as a lead evaluator of Principals an individual shall successfully complete a training course that meets the minimum requirements prescribed in §30-2.9(b) of the Commissioner’s regulations; and

    WHEREAS, the Board of Education has reviewed the training record of Matthew Wilkins and Kimberly Monahan, and;

    WHEREAS, Matthew Wilkins and Kimberly Monahan have met the minimum requirements; now, therefore,

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the District hereby certifies Matthew Wilkins and Kimberly Monahan as lead evaluator of Principals for the 2024-25 school year.


    Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board approve the following resolution:


    WHEREAS, pursuant to New York State Education Law §3012-c and Subpart 30-2 of the Rules of the Board of Regents, The District is required to adopt an Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Plan; and

    WHEREAS, §30-2.9 of the Commissioner’s Regulations require that any individual serving as lead evaluator of Teachers in this District be certified by the Board of Education as a qualified lead evaluator of Teachers; and

    WHEREAS, to qualify for certification as a lead evaluator of Teachers an individual shall successfully complete a training course that meets the minimum requirements prescribed in §30-2.9(b) of the Commissioner’s regulations; and

    WHEREAS, the Board of Education has reviewed the training record of Amy Burnham, Jeremiah Clifford, Kimberly D’Amico, Kari Grisewood, Scott Hoornbeck, Kimberly Monahan, Coley Webb, Matthew Wilkins, Ryan Winchip and;

    WHEREAS, Amy Burnham, Jeremiah Clifford, Kimberly D’Amico, Kari Grisewood, Scott Hoornbeck, Kimberly Monahan, Coley Webb, Matthew Wilkins, Ryan Winchip have met the minimum requirements; now, therefore,

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the District hereby certifies Amy Burnham, Jeremiah Clifford, Kimberly D’Amico, Kari Grisewood, Scott Hoornbeck, Kimberly Monahan, Coley Webb, Matthew Wilkins, Ryan Winchip as lead evaluator of Teachers for the 2024-25 school year.  


    Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr. Grover that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 585, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 1 (Royce).


    Moved by Mr. Youngers, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board approve the corrected dates on the Superintendent’s Contract, as proposed, and authorize the Board President to execute said contract.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 7:50 p.m.; subject to the call of the President.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.




    Mrs. Gail E. Royce

    Clerk Pro Tem