The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at p.m. in the Elementary Building by _______________, _______________.
Members Present: _______________
Members Absent: _______________
Others Present: _______________ |
_______________ led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2025-26 Budget Presentation - Ms. Grisewood
Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board approve the minutes for the meetings of March 11, 2025, as written. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________. |
The Board reviewed the list of bills dated February 27, 2025, March 3, 2025 and March 14, 2025. |
The Board reviewed the Appropriation Status Report and Revenue Status Reports for February 2025.
Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board accept the Treasurer’s Reports as of February 2025. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Mr. Wilkins reported
Audit Committee
Finance Committee
Policy Committee
Technology Committee
Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) for graphic design to Streamline Designs, as recommended, and further, approve the contract as proposed, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said contract. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board of Education approve the emergency transportation to Baker Victory contract with C&F Transportation, as proposed, and authorize the Board President and the Superintendent of Schools to execute said contract. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board appoint _______________ as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
The District Clerk was dismissed at p.m. and the following took place as recorded by _______________, Clerk Pro Tem.
Tawnnee Conley District Clerk
Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board enter Executive Session at p.m. for the purpose of discussing Choose an item.. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board resume regular session at _______________ p.m. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the Board approve the special education placement recommendations, as follows:
(A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting
Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 592, as presented. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
Moved by_______________, seconded by _______________ that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at _______________ p.m.; subject to the call of the President. Motion Carried: Yes _______________, No _______________, Abstain _______________.
_______________ Clerk Pro Tem |
The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Elementary School Building by Mr. Robb, Board President.
Members Present: Mr. Dean Robb, Mrs. Gail Royce, Mr. John Grover, Mr. Joshua Harvey, Mr. Stephen Tarbell II, Mrs. Kristina Baker (arrived at 7:04 p.m.).
Members Absent: Mr. Michael Youngers
Others Present: Mr. Wilkins, Ms. Grisewood, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. D’Amico, Mr. Winchip, Mr. Webb, Mrs. Burnham, Mrs. McGary, Ms. Conable, Mrs.Conley. |
Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Seal of Civic Readiness Presentation – Mrs. McGary explained that earning this distinctive seal on a high school transcript and diploma distinguishes a student is proficient in civic knowledge and understanding, civic skills and experiences, democratic values, government and community participation and respecting others’ rights and viewpoints with respectful civic conversations. Starting in the 2025-26 school year, this optional process begins in 10th grade and continues through 12th grade. Students, who desire to earn this seal, will need to meet the NYS requirements by completing a research project for each of the three years. This includes a service-learning project during their senior year and involves a minimum of 25 hours of demonstrated and verified service, as well as a reflective activity essay/presentation. Student progress will be tracked using both electronic and paper systems.
Budget Presentation – Ms. Grisewood presented the preliminary stages of the budget process and shared key impact items for expenses and revenue.
Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board approve the Minutes for the meeting on February 25, 2025, as written. Motion Carried: Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.
Mr. Wilkins reported that there is a little concern about what the tariffs may do to the capital project; we will have to see. He also stated that he received an email from the School Boards Association that the Senate and Assembly are projecting that there may be pushback on the Governor’s cellphone ban.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board approve the Contract for Health and Welfare Services for 2024-25 and authorize the Board President and Superintendent to execute said contract. Motion Carried: Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board of Education approve the proposed Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for the Capital Project Artificial Turf and authorize the Superintendent to execute said Agreement:
Contract No. 107 Artificial Turf – FieldTurf USA, Inc. Base Bid $737,343.35 Total Award $737,343.35
Motion Carried: Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board approve the Education Elements Agreement as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said agreement. Motion Carried: Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting. Motion Carried: Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.
The District Clerk was dismissed at 6:54 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.
Tawnnee Conley District Clerk
Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board enter Executive Session at 6:54 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the employment history of a particular person. Motion Carried: Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board resume regular session at 8:21 p.m. Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Board approve the special education placements recommendations, as follows:
(A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting
Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Harvey that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the creation of a 1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher position effective August 27, 2025 Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the addition of 1.0 FTE Director of Instructional Services Position effective July 1, 2025. Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mrs. Baker that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 591, as proposed. Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Harvey that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 8:21 p.m.; subject to the call of the President. Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.
Mrs. Gail E. Royce Clerk Pro Tem