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Special Services

Special Services Office

The goal of the District’s special education program is to maximize the academic and functional achievement of all students with disabilities. The following objectives will guide the program’s practices:

  • To ensure the establishment of procedures to implement the provisions of the Part 200 Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
  • To maintain the committee on preschool special education and the committee on special education to ensure the evaluation of students suspected of having a disability, to recommend appropriate educational supports and programs, and to monitor student progress.
  • To provide a free appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities between the ages of three and twenty-one or until a high school diploma has been awarded.
  • To ensure that students with disabilities have the opportunity to be involved in and progress in the general education curriculum to the maximum extent appropriate.
  • To provide the resources necessary for the implementation of a continuum of programs and services to meet the academic, social, physical, and management needs of students with disabilities.
  • To ensure the confidentiality of personally identifiable data, information, or records pertaining to a student with a disability.
  • To ensure that adequate and appropriate space is made available to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Office Staff

Mrs. Amy Burnham
Director of Special Services
(585) 786-8000 ext. 3402 or 3403

Shirley Campbell
(585) 786-8000 ext. 3403

Office Fax: (585) 786-2833


Areas of Responsibility

  • Committee on Special Education Chairperson (CSE)
  • Committee on Preschool Education Chairperson CPSE)
  • Intake and process both CSE and CPSE referrals to special education
  • Arrange for and oversee special education placements as a result of Committee determinations, both in and out of district placements
  • Oversee the development and implementation of Individual Education Programs (IEPs)
  • Develop and monitor IDEA 611,619 and CPSE Grants
  • Process all special education state reporting information
  • Oversee all students who are McKinney-Vento eligible