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2021-2022 Budget Documents

2021 Vote Results

Board Vacancies 2

Stephen C. Tarbell, II  140
Michael Youngers         96
Kristina Baker             150

Mr. Tarbell and Mrs. Baker won the 2 five year terms.

Budget Proposition 1:     Yes  158           No 50
Reserve Proposition 2:    Yes  163           No 44
Library Proposition 3:      Yes  175           No 35

Total Votes Cast - 219

2021 Annual Meeting/Vote Notice, Absentee Ballot Holders



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing of the qualified voters of the Warsaw Central School
District, Wyoming County, New York, will be held in the Warsaw Middle/High School located at 81 West
Court Street; Warsaw, New York on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at 6:30 PM prevailing time, for the
presentation of the budget.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a copy of the budget or statement of the amount of
money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes exclusive of public moneys may be
obtained upon request by any voter in the District during the fourteen days immediately preceding the
Annual Meeting, except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays,+ from the Office of the District Clerk, at each of
the public school houses of the District during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. prevailing time, and on
the District’s website.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annual meeting of the qualified voters of the
Warsaw Central School District, Wyoming County, New York, will be held on Tuesday, May 18, 2021
between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 PM, prevailing time, in the Warsaw Elementary School located
at 153 W. Buffalo Street; Warsaw, New York, for the purpose(s) of voting on the budget for the fiscal
the year 2021-2022, voting on a proposition to establish a capital improvement reserve, voting on a
proposition to determine whether the annual appropriation for the Warsaw Public Library should be
increased, and to authorize the amount thereof to be raised by taxation on the taxable property of the
district, and electing two (2) members of the Board of Education for 5-year terms to commence on July 1,
20201 to succeed Stephen C. Tarbell, II, and Kristina Baker.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the voting on the budget and other propositions
will consist of voting on the following propositions, as well as other such matters as may be lawfully
presented at the meeting.


    Shall the following resolution be adopted?
    RESOLVED, that the budget for the Warsaw Central School District, County of Wyoming, New
    York, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, as presented by the Board of
    Education is hereby approved and adopted and the required funds therefor are hereby appropriated and
    the necessary real property taxes required shall be raised by a tax on the taxable property in said District
    to be levied and collected as required by law.

    Shall the following resolution be adopted?

    RESOLVED, that the Board of Education (the “Board”) of the Warsaw Central School District, Wyoming
    County, New York (the “District”) is hereby authorized to establish a capital improvements reserve fund
    pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law of the State of New York (the “Fund”); that the Fund shall
    be known as the “Capital Improvements Reserve Fund, 2021” of the District; that the Fund shall be
    established for the purpose of financing, in whole or in part, the acquisition, construction, reconstruction,
    expansion, renovation, alteration and improvement of buildings, facilities, sites and real property by the
    District, or the District’s share of the cost of any capital improvements project undertaken by a Board of
    Cooperative Educational Services (“BOCES”) of which the District is (or may become) a component
    district, including, in all cases, the acquisition of necessary furnishings, equipment, machinery and
    apparatus; that the ultimate amount of such Fund shall be not greater than $8,000,000 (plus interest earned
    thereon); that the probable term of such Fund shall be no longer than fifteen (15) years; and that the
    permissible sources from which the Board is authorized to appropriate monies to such Fund from time to
    time shall be (a) budgetary appropriations of the District; (b) unappropriated fund balance of the District;
    (c) State aid received as reimbursement for expenditures by the District in connection with District capital
    improvements (whether or not such improvements were financed in whole or in part from the Fund); (d)
    proceeds from the sale of unneeded real or personal property owned by the District, if permitted by law
    and if so directed by the Board; (e) such other sources as the Board or the voters of the District may direct
    from time to time, all as may be permitted by law.

    Shall the following resolution be adopted?

    RESOLVED, that the annual appropriation for the operation of the Warsaw Public Library be
    increased from $ 41,944.00 to $42,573.00 and that the Board of Education of the Warsaw Central School
    District, Wyoming County, New York, be authorized to levy the necessary taxes therefor.

    AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all candidates for the office of member of the Board
    of Education shall be nominated by petition. Each petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the District,
    shall be signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the District, state the residence of each signer, and shall
    state the name and residence of the candidate. Each petition shall be filed with the Clerk of said District
    at her office in the Warsaw Central School Central Office Building, not later than Monday, April 19, 2021
    between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

    AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the qualified voters of the District shall be entitled
    to vote at said annual vote and election. A qualified voter is one who is (1) a citizen of the United States
    of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) resident within the District for a period of thirty
    (30) days next preceding the annual vote and election.

    AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots will be obtainable
    at the office of the School District Clerk during regular business hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and
    holidays). Any such application must be received by the District Clerk at least seven days before the date
    of the aforesaid Annual Meeting/Vote if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before such
    Annual Meeting/Vote, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. A list of all persons to
    whom absentee voter’s ballots shall have been issued shall be available for public inspection in the office
    of the School District Clerk not less than five days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting/Vote
    (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) during regular office hours until the date of the aforesaid
    Annual Meeting/Vote. In addition, such list shall also be posted conspicuously at the place of voting
    during the hours of such Annual Meeting/Vote.

    AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are qualified voters of the
    District may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District Clerk. For a
    military voter to be issued a military ballot, the District Clerk must have received a valid ballot
    application no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2021. In a request for a military ballot application or
    ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail,
    facsimile transmission or electronic mail.

    AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the District is closely monitoring all current and
    future legal developments as they pertain to District elections and budget votes. Due to the spread of the
    COVID-19 virus, the deadlines, location and procedures stated herein may change as required by law or
    consistent with further state guidance. All District residents are encouraged to closely monitor the
    District’s website at for the most up-to-date information concerning the
    District’s annual vote.

    Tamarah R. Plotz, District Clerk
    Warsaw Central School District
    Town of Warsaw
    County of Wyoming
    State of New York
    Dated: March 19, 2021

    • Aldinger, Megan L.
    • Bailey, Betty, J.
    • Baker, Arlene W.
    • Baker, Frederic
    • Ballew, Marjorie
    • Barone, Elsie E.
    • Bender, Sidney
    • Berkhoudt, Ethel C.
    • Bisig, Allan
    • Bradley, Tammy A.
    • Braymiller, Michelle Lee
    • Buhrmaster, Ada L.
    • Calkins, Robert R.
    • Carpenter, Alvin
    • Christ, Clark
    • Christ, Mary
    • Clark, Loretta M.
    • Clark, Margaret
    • D’Angelo, Velma O.
    • Donnelly, Donald J.
    • Fabian, Miklos
    • Falkner, Joanne D.
    • Fielding, Carol Anne
    • Findura, Debra
    • Fisher, Edith M.
    • Fisher, Jr., Royce
    • Flint, Lunamae E.
    • Gaidasz, Boris
    • Gaidasz, Eleanor
    • Gerner, Carolyn S.
    • Glor, Carol A.
    • Gomez, Jeanne A.
    • Grover, Alice
    • Grover, Nick
    • Hale, Elinor
    • Hayden, June A.
    • Herman, Peter W.
    • Hildebrant, Mary A.
    • Hilligas, Reba
    • Holmes, Rose
    • Ingles, Kimberly Frances
    • Ingles, Leslie
    • Jones, Florence M.
    • Kelly, Dorothy
    • Kelly, John J.
    • Klump, Donna M.
    • Klump, Gordon R.
    • Lantain, Lori
    • Lapp, Jacquelyn W.
    • Leech, Barbara L.
    • MacCagney, Jean
    • MacCagney, Robert
    • MacLaughlin, Cynthia K.
    • Manning, Linda M.
    • Marzolf, Mary E.
    • McCormick, Marilyn
    • Meeder, Sally A.
    • Miller, Kathy E.
    • Morello, Nicholas A.
    • Morgan, Donna M.
    • Morgan, Margot
    • Morrissey, Barbara C.
    • OHearn, Michelle L.
    • Phillip, Rena M.
    • Pierce, Alyce E.
    • Plaisted, Joyce L.
    • Plowe, Jack K.
    • Pond, Jr., Walter
    • Prosser, Joanne K.
    • Prosser, Lawrence J.
    • Redding, Phyllis A.
    • Reynolds, Evelyn M.
    • Robinson, Shirley
    • Rood, Reo
    • Roth, Eileen J.
    • Rydzik, Shirley H.
    • Salamone, Michael J.
    • Sann, Theresa E.
    • Schiavi, Michael
    • Schneckenburger, Mark L.
    • Seewaldt, Michael C.
    • Semmel, Wayne G.
    • Seyerle, Donald E.
    • Simard, Patricia
    • Smith, Neoma
    • Smith, S. Jane
    • Stecher, Mary
    • Stothers, Timothy T.
    • Teichner, Michelle L.
    • Towner, Ann
    • Towner, Gary
    • Turner, Phyllis M
    • Warne, David F.
    • Weiser, Patricia
    • Werner, Donna M.
    • Wood, Thelma B.
    • Wood, Jr., Howard C.
    • Yunker, Julie A.
    • Zentz, Mary E.