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The Committee and Eligibility

The Committee

  • The Hall of Fame Committee shall consist of not less than seven (7) members, who have been involved with the Warsaw Community for at least 15 years and have a strong background/interest in Warsaw Central School athletics. The Athletic Director, along with one (1) or two (2) members of the WCS administration and a member of the Warsaw Sports Boosters shall serve on the committee. The HOF Committee shall be responsible for appointing individuals to the committee when needed.

Inductee Eligibility

  • Nominations and selections may be made from one of four categories:


  • Athletes are eligible for nomination a minimum of ten (10) years after their graduation. Athletic achievements must be from their high school years at WCS.


  • Coaches must have coached in the WCS District for a minimum of 10 years.

Special Contributors:

  • Patrons whose contributions to the WCS athletic program are extraordinary and outstanding. This category is left to the discretion of the committee.


  • Teams are eligible for nomination a minimum of ten (10) years after the completion of their season. Teams must have distinguished themselves during their regular season or post season play.

Voting Procedure

  • Nominees must receive "yes" votes from at least 80% of the HOF Committee present at the meeting in order to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The vote will be held by secret ballot. In order to have an official vote, more than 50% of the committee must be present.